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Barcelona Catalonia will be part of Expo Real 2021 with the conference “Opening up cities! Reconnecting people, nature, public spaces and green economy”
Next 11, 12 and 13 October, the Generalitat de Catalunya, through the Catalan Land Institute (INCASÒL), the Barcelona City Council and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (AMB), will attend the Real estate fair in Munich as Barcelona Catalonia.
On this occasion, Barcelona Catalonia will promote the metropolitan area of Barcelona through the conference “Opening up cities! Reconnecting people, nature, public spaces and green economy”, moderated by Xavier Mayo, Head of International City Promotion, Barcelona City Council, and with the participation of Bàrbara Pons, City Promotion, Barcelona City Council; Marc Montlleó, Head of Environmental Projects, Barcelona Regional and Mercè Conesa, Head of INCASOL, Generalitat de Catalunya.
The Barcelona Catalonia conference will take place on Monday 11 October at 16.00 am in the Discussion & Networking Forum (Messe München).
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