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The Startup Capital support programme of Acció (Agency for the Competitiveness of Enterprise) has helped to generate up to 500 new jobs. The 86 start-ups that have accessed this support have raised more than 33.5 million euros in private investment and 39.5 million euros from public bodies in the last 4 years.

The Startup Capital line is a direct aid for emerging technology startups, which need funding to carry out the initial phases of the business, develop their product or service and validate the business model to reach the market. Acció grants up to 75,000 euros per startup, covering the risk of their first months of life.

The main areas in which the 86 companies that have benefited so far are health (32.1%), digitalisation (30.4%), environment (15.2%), manufacturing (11.6%), food (6.3%) and mobility (4.5%).

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